Your Fab VA


[Day 5] Spring is the perfect time to start your self-care routine!

SElf-care means #allyship

First off, I wanted to say thank you for welcoming me into your inbox! It is such an honour to be able to share with you my viewpoints about self-care. I hope that you’re finally getting the hang of it!

On that note, I also want to apologize if you’ve been getting repetitive emails from me. We’ve ran into some tech issues and we’re working on it. We appreciate your patience as we deal with this.

Happy Spring! I hope you get to go out and enjoy the sun, physically distanced, of course and masks on please 🙂 I personally am looking forward to the cherry blossoms on High Park this year. If you’re in Toronto, you can get updates on the blooms https://www.sakurainhighpark.c… 

I hope you indulge me as I interrupt our regularly-scheduled blog posting as I want to highlight anti- #AsianAmerican violence that had recently happened south of the border.

Here’s an article worth reading on this issue… 

And some powerful images about #anti-asian #stopasianhate…

Canada is not immune to this. We have our fair share of #AsianCanadian hate crimes. If you are a victim, or have witnessed a hate crime, please report it here…

Today’s challenge: Pause and reflect. How can you be a better #ally?

Stay fabulous!


P.S.:. In case you missed one of the emails and posts, here is what I’ve shared so far:

Day 1 –…

Day 2 –…

Day 3 –…

Day 4 –…

P.P.S.: If you know someone who could benefit from this challenge, please invite them to join us over at…